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Short Post About Rails

I'm thinking the next post will be about Sendgrid

By Andy Maldonado
Posted: Thu Mar 23 22:19:48 2023

So after a ton of effort again, I finally figured out what was wrong with my sendgrid!

Make sure to set up your devise mailer email lol.

It's the little things and getting them to hook together properly that can really mess you up.

Caroline de Bassano, Marquise d'Espeuilles by John Singer Sargent

Here's a painting by Sargent, I just thought I'd post it to make sure that my blog isn't broken!

Here are my next few topics:
  1. Sendgrid and Rails
  2. A simple quick start guide for Rails
  3. Tailwind vs Bootstrap with Rails 7
  4. Diving into Android?

I think that's all I have for now. Good night!